Minggu, 17 April 2011

my fav 2PM

2PM adalah boy band Korea Selatan yang berada di bawah manajemen artis JYP Entertainment. Pada awalnya grup ini terdiri dari 7 anggota, namun sekarang hanya terdiri dari 6 anggota. Jaebeom mengumumkan dirinya keluar dari 2PM pada September 2009, setelah adanya kontroversi mengenai komentar negatif yang dibuatnya mengenai Korea lima tahun yang lalu diketahui publik.[1] Sekarang 2PM terdiri dari Junsu, Junho, Nichkhun, Taecyeon, Wooyoung, dan Chansung.
Bersama-sama 2AM, 2PM adalah salah satu dari dua subgrup yang dibentuk dari boy band One Day. Grup ini pertama kali melakukan debutnya pada 4 September 2008 dengan lagu "10 Jeom Manjeome 10 Jeom" (10점 만점에 10점) yang menonjolkan gaya tari akrobatik dan b-boy.


Selain Nichkhun, anggota 2PM merupakan hasil audisi yang dilakukan JYPE, dan menerima pelatihan keras dari JYPE. Hari-hari pelatihan keras yang diterima mereka dijadikan acara dokumenter pelatihan bintang baru Hot Blood Men yang ditayangkan Mnet. Anggota waktu itu berjumlah 13 orang. Pilihan pemirsa nantinya membuat 3 anggota dikeluarkan. Mereka kemudian dibagi menjadi 2AM yang menonjolkan kemampuan vokal dam 2PM yang menonjolkan kemampuan tari dan B-Boy akrobatik.

Anggota sekarang

  • Junsu (준수)
Nama lengkap: Kim Junsu (김준수)
Tanggal lahir: 15 Januari 1988 (umur 23)
Posisi: vokalis utama
  • Nichkhun
Nama lengkap: Nichkhun Buck Horvejkul (นิชคุณ หรเวชกุล)
Tanggal lahir: 24 Juni 1988 (umur 22)
Posisi: vokalis
Profil: Nichkhun lahir di Rancho Cucamonga, California, warga negara Amerika Serikat keturunan Thai dan Tionghoa. Masa kecil dihabiskannya di Thailand dan California, serta bersekolah di Selandia Baru. Sekembalinya di Amerika Serikat, agen bakat JYP Hollywood, California menemukannya ketika Nichkhun–waktu itu murid Sekolah Menengah Atas Los Osos–sedang melihat Festival Musik Korea di Los Angeles.[2]
  • Taecyeon (택연)
Nama lengkap: Ok Taecyeon (옥택연)
Tanggal lahir: 27 Desember 1988 (umur 22)
Posisi: rapper utama
  • Wooyoung (우영)
Nama lengkap: Jang Wooyoung (장우영)
Tanggal lahir: 30 April 1989 (umur 21)
Posisi: vokalis utama
  • Junho (준호)
Nama lengkap: Lee Junho (이준호)
Tanggal lahir: 25 Januari 1990 (umur 21)
Posisi: vokalis utama
  • Chansung (찬성)
Nama lengkap: Hwang Chansung (황찬성)
Tanggal lahir: 11 Februari 1990 (umur 21)
Posisi: vokalis, rapper

Mantan anggota

  • Jaebeom (재범)
Nama lengkap: Park Jaebeom (박재범)/Jay Park
Tanggal lahir: 25 April 1987 (umur 23)
Posisi: pemimpin, vokalis utama, rapper

Jumat, 17 September 2010

aku ngdiemi kau sampe kau sadar ngapo aku ngancem trus makso kau potong rambut. untuk kau tu laa. supayo kau dilihat rapi. bukan masalah janji atau apo ! aku RINGAM LIAT RAMBUT PANJANG KAU. CAK BANCI TAU DAK !

Kamis, 16 September 2010

kuliah itu membosankan, buat ngantuk, buat laper. ALLAHUAKBAR. medika obgin - itu nama kampus gue. libur paling cepet, belajar paling lamaa. apaan maunya ?
Innalillahi, kagak tahaaan !

Minggu, 12 September 2010


i can hardly wait for october to come. october is a very good month for me and my boyfriend :D

Rabu, 08 September 2010


sudah jadilah eh ! kalu kau nak ngatoi taik segalo macem dgn aku, ak dak masalah. ini wong tuo aku ! aku dak pernah sedikitpun ngluari katokato bagus cak TAIK dgn wongtuo kau. samo kau b, wongtuo kau masih ku hormati ! kau belom la jadi apoapo la ngatoi wongtuo aku TAIK !!! mama aku ngom cak itu, spyo aku dak ngalami apo yang di alami adeknyo ! mama aku pngn aku SENENG !! maksud aku ngom cak itu dgn kau, biar kau ado perubahan, biar mama aku dak selalu beranggepan kau cak LANANG BIADAB itu ! kau malah ngatoi wongtuo aku TAIK ! saling koreksi lah ! mgkn wongtuo aku beranggepan nilai kau cak itu, mama kau jugo awalnyo ngom i badan aku kecik. AKU NGAKU emg badan aku kecik. sebiso mungkin aku kuat makan biar berisi badan aku, ad apo mama kau ngom i badan aku kecik lagi SELAEN kau yang anggep aku KURUS CEKING ! penilaian wongtuo kito tu bedabeda ! dgn penilaian wongtuo kito tu jadi ajang koreksi kekurangan spy jadi lebih baek. bukan jadi ajang saling tesinggung ! aku marah bukan karno kau nak ngatoi aku TAIK kampang pilat segalo macem kato mutiara itu, aku marah karno kau ngatoi wongtuo aku TAIK !!
men nak nuruti kendak wongtuo ak, mreka nyruh ak dgn DOKTER, aku nendak ! oleh aku mase NGEJOI ku yang sudah 3tahun dgn aku ! NGERTI dak kau !!

biar wong tau masalah kito, enek aku men dicak inike teros !!!

Selasa, 31 Agustus 2010

medika obgin angkatan III

haii my beloved Choi Minho :P

ini kuliaah ketiga aku. haha. ngboseni ih kuliah. belom apa-apa udah ada tugas. gila aja. oh ya. aku sama temen baruku (Weny Desmana) mau pulang ke palembang. tementemen pada ribut minta bawain segala macem jenis pempek. eh yg d palembang ada yang minta bawain makanan dari bandung. apaan coba yg harus d bawain. pusing akunya.

ni nama tementemen yang deket dengan aku :
1. Irmma Vitrian
2. Desy Triyani
3. Wenny Desmana
4. Amel
5. Siska
6. Annisa
7. Jenii (anah aneh -.-)

ada juga yang samasama dari Sumatra Selatan :
1. Irawati (kecil-kecil cabe rawit)
2. Wenny Desmana

haha. gak penting banget yaak isi blog guee. hahaha :p

Senin, 30 Agustus 2010

hy :)
udah hampir sebulan aku gak ngpost blog. hahaha :D
ini hari kedua aku kuliah.
eh iya, aku mau cerita dikit deh. tanggal 26-27 kemaren aku ospek. aku masuk di AKADEMI KEBIDANAN MEDIKA OBGIN. calon bidan gue (padahal bukan minat, minatnya ke koki) hahahah. ini mah lumayan enak kuliahnya. anaknya juga ramah ramah kok. haha. aku disini pakek jilbab loh (kagak mau jenong gue keliatan) haha. udah ah sampe sini aja. aku mau belj lagi ni. udah mau ada dosen.

i <3 Muhammad Akbar Prayogi Syahputra :)

*teteepppp :p

Selasa, 03 Agustus 2010

huaaaaaaaaaaaaaa -.-

ngaapooo katek yang ngertii kendak aku si ?
aku ni pengen kuliah di bandung.  kamu nak masuki aku dimano terserah kamu.
cak saro nian si aku kuliah di bandung.  heran aku nak nuruti kendak kamu b !!
eek lah kamu !! punyo pacar jugo yang dak ngertii apo kendak aku ! samo iyo laaa kamu tu !!

Sabtu, 31 Juli 2010

saya menyukai foto foto yang begini, tapi sepertinya hobi saya tidak tersalurkan karena mungkin orangtua saya tidak setuju bila saya menjadi fotografi :)

Jumat, 30 Juli 2010

hape idaman

ni hape N97. hape idaman saya :)

LG crystal juga hape idaman saya, cuma MAHAL GILAK. hahha :D

ni LG BL40, mahal joooooooon. hahah :D

imut kagak gue waktu kecil. cantiknya aja udah dari kecil. gedenya tambah cantik gue. hahah :D

 pertama kali di kasih surprise sama pacar. hahaha :D

o 5 1 o o 7 :)

hhah keisengan saya saat jam istirahat sekolah. setiap saya tidak ada kerjaan di kelas, pasti saya mencoret-coret meja ataupun kursi di kelas saya. hahha :D

ayu prayogi dan prayogi farradiba

0   5   1   0   0   7

Kamis, 29 Juli 2010

telat tapi oke jugaa :D

ini sepulang saya sekolah, setelah berdo'a bersama untuk UN :)

pengangguran utk menunggu kapan ijazah
                                                                                        keluar :)

and the last, akhirnya selesai cap tiga jari

dan saya resmi menjadi ALUMNI SMANSA PALEMBANG :)

niih foto pas farewell party SMANSA, ni kelas saya 12 ips 2 :

bakal kangen kalian semuaa :(
miss you all :)

SHINee praised for flawless singing voices

SHINee praised for flawless singing voices

Rabu, 28 Juli 2010

begok atau di begokin ?

saya bingung. ini saya yang begok apa saya di begokin tu orang yak ? atau orang itu yang begok malah ngbegokin orang begok ? hahaha. ngerti kagak ? saya aja kagak ngarti. HHA.
ni orang maksa bgt, saya kn gak mau. ada bates dong. nyelonong aja. gue hantam lo !
kita sesuai peraturan aja deh, dengan cara masingmasing. jangan mancing emosi saya dong. udah tau saya cepet amat emosinya (amat aja gak cepet), malah di gituin. lo gila yak ?
sekalikali napa ngomong agak lembut ke saya, ni ngebentak teruus (katek kesudahan). saya merasa aneh hidup di zaman yang udah modern gini. yang baik malah di bilang kagak baik, yg kagak baik malah dh bilang baik. kalian semua pada nelen makanan apa sih ? pada aneh semua -.-
saya nolak yaa karena demi kebaikan karir saya ke depannya. ngerti kagak sih :(

keong racun :D

Dasar kau keong racun
Baru kenal eh ngajak tidur
Ngomong nggak sopan santun
Kau anggap aku ayam kampung
Kau rayu diriku
Kau goda diriku
Kau colek diriku
Eh ku takut sekali
tanpa basa basi kau ngajak happy happy
Eh kau tak tahu malu
Tanpa basa basi kau ngajak happy happy

Mulut kumat kemot
Matanya melotot
Lihat body semok
Pikiranmu jorok
Mentang-mentang kau kaya
Aku dianggap jablay
Dasar koboy kucai
Ngajak check-in dan santai
Sorry sorry sorry jack
Jangan remehkan aku
Sorry sorry sorry bang
Ku bukan cewek murahan

* i like this song version Jojo and Shinta. it's so crazy adegan. ahhaha LOL :O

Selasa, 27 Juli 2010

my hair. when my hair is long again. i miss my long hair. come a long soon. i can't wait anymore :(

the picture is my long hair and the last my short hair. oh nooo. i need my long hair come back :(

during the two years i did not cut my hair to super short like now. i really had long planned to cut my hair to be short. one week after the separation of school, i cut my hair became this super short. i really hesitate to cut my hair. but to say what else? my hair has to be super short.

and now, i really really miss my LONG HAIR -.-

Minggu, 25 Juli 2010



* maaf bagi yg baco ini blog, ak capek dikit'' sabr. aku jugo manusio biaso, tapi kelakuan dy tu. iiigh pngen kucabik cabik dyo tu . sekali maaf buat yg baco.

satu hal yang kalian ketahui. SAYA SUKA MINHO !! cuma lagu SHINee yg ngbuat hati saya rada tenang.

huaaaaaa -,-


Jumat, 23 Juli 2010

Beautiful Girl

Beautiful girl, wherever you are
I knew when I saw you, you had opened the door
I knew that I'd love again after a long, long while
I'd love again.

You said "hello" and I turned to go
But something in your eyes left my heart beating so
I just knew that I'd love again after a long, long while
I'd love again.

It was destiny's game
For when love finally came on
I rushed in line only to find
That you were gone.

Whenever you are, I fear that I might
Have lost you forever like a song in the night
Now that I've loved again after a long, long while
I've loved again.

It was destiny's game
For when love finally came on
I rushed in line only to find
That you were gone.

Beautiful girl, I'll search on for you
'Till all of your loveliness in my arms come true
You've made me love again after a long, long while
In love again
And I'm glad that it's you
Hmm, Beautiful Girl.



Nokia today unveiled the Nokia N97, the world's most advanced mobile computer, which will transform the way people connect to the Internet and to each other. which is one of the biggest reasons for the Announcement of new devices. 2-3 December, Barcelona, Nokia introduced its new flagship multimedia index N97. The first touch smartphone Nokia, 5800 XpressMusic, just beginning its sales, but even a few days, the demand far outstrips supply. Affects a balanced mix of characteristics.
Nokia N97 - a second touch smartphone companies, but also positioned it as the ultimate multimedia device. It is difficult not to notice features of 5800 - virtually the same size, same touch screen, but the functionality of Staff exceed all expectations. What is worth only the amount of memory built-in 32 GB of memory cards with support microSDHC up to 16 GB. Thus Nokia N97 has become the most far-reaching telephone in the world, such as the amount of memory there is not one other device. You get an excellent multimedia player, and the continuous MP3 playback device capable lasted 1.5 days - another record for mobile devices.
Another main feature that distinguishes N97 from 5800 is Full retractable QWERTY-keyboard, so that users in addition to the three ways of entering text (handwriting recognition, virtual keyboard, standard keyboard) added another, much more comfortable for a long correspondence.

he home screen of the Nokia N97 mobile computer features the people, content and media that matter the most. Friends, social networks and news are available by simply touching the home screen. The 16:9 widescreen display can be fully personalized with frequently updated widgets of favorite web services and social networking sites. The Nokia N97 is also perfectly suited for browsing the web, streaming Flash videos or playing games. Both the physical QWERTY and virtual touch input ensure efficiency in blogging, chatting, posting, sending texts or emailing.
The Nokia N97 supports up to 48 GB of storage, including 32 GB of on-board memory, expandable with a 16 GB microSD card for music, media and more. This is complemented by excellent music capabilities, full support for the Nokia Music Store and continuous playback time of up to 1.5 days. The Nokia N97 also has a 5-Megapixel camera with high-quality Carl Zeiss optics, 16:9 and DVD quality video capture, and support for services like Share on Ovi for immediate sharing over HSDPA and WLAN.
The Nokia N97 is expected to begin shipping in the first half of 2009 at an estimated retail price of EUR 550 before taxes or subsidies.

tegangan tinggi

dengan ngedengri lagu SHINee ngbuat hatii aku sedikit tenang :)
gak tau kenapa, kayaknya saya bener-bener tergilagila dengan SHINee.
saya gak peduli orang mau bilang apa atau ad yang cemburu melihat saya tergilagila dgn SHINee - Minho.
jadi yang jadi pacar saya kudu sabar yak :)
semalem saya benerbener emosi, kayaknya stres berat gitu. saya langsung aja beralih ngdengeri SHINee.
haha :D
kerasukan setan apa yak saya belakangan ini ?
kerjaanya mau marah mulu, hallo ayu !! hahah :D
saya sendiri kagak tau apaan maunya dari saya :(
apalagi orang lain, kalu gilo. hahah :D :D
yang saya pengen tu mereka memenuhi apa maunya saya, saya capek ngikuti mau mereka mulu.
pegel hatii saya.
saya pengen bener bener di perhatii, buka di suruh ini itu, HELLO GUE BUKAN JONGOS KALIAN !
whhew, emosi saya sepertinya memuncak kembali. apa sih maunya anda ?
kalo saya udah kagak tahan GUE MINGGAT, BIAR TAU RASA LO !!
sungguh sungguh miris, akhir yang memuakkan !!



SHINee - up & down lyrics

* Neowae neowae DOWN iya gibuni owae owae cheokhamyeon cheok
Neowae neowae UP iya gibuni owae owae(x2)

Wae neoneun UP, DOWN gibui maennal dalla nal iri jeori heundeulkka
Jeo muneul deureoseon geu sunkanbuteo ni nunchiman boneun na

Useochulkka ( Hey baby oneureul baby)
Uljeokhae boilkka ( Hey baby eotteolkka baby)
Jokjabeul sudo eobseo deoneun moreuketseo neon machi Rollercoaster Ride

* Re peat ( Machi Rollercoaster Ride)
Oneulkkaji one, two iteureun hayan misoro sesangeul naege ta juldeusi ( Crazy, crazy baby)
Chanbaram ssaengssaeng buldorok ssalssalhan naren nae jonjaedo itneun deut

Useochulkka ( Hey baby oneureul baby)
Uljeokhae boilkka ( Hey baby oneureul baby)
Jokjabeul sudo eobseo deoneun moreuketseo
Neon machi Rollercoaster Ride

* Repeat ( Machi Rollercoaster Ride)
Neomu geonjohan gwangyae geudae eoknullin gamjeong ije geuman nae hangyae
Neomunado dathin malhaji mothago geunyeo ape geuchin
Modeun namjadeureun da seongkasin miso hânmaneurodo nuni bosin
Yeojeonhi ireohkaedo kamanhi kyaesin ireon geunyeol, say

Eotteokhaena ( Hey baby eotteokhae baby)
Amuri geuraedo (Hey baby choheungeol baby girl)

** Oh no, oh no neomu yepeo mwondeun modu ssak itgae dwae
Oh no, oh no neomu yepeo Oh no (x2)

* Repeat
** Repeat

DOWN DOWN and DOWN to the UP, UP DOWN and back UP again
wae ddo simurukhae itnae sasil jom jichigin hae
Geunde eotteokhae neomu ppareuge nae juwieseo ireohkae gadeukhi maengdoneunde
Oneul hanbeon ttak hanbeon useojumyeon geunyang neomeoganeungeok

Machi Rollercoaster Ride (x7)
Machi neon machi dureoun Rollercoaster Ride
Machi neon machi jaemitneun Rollercoaster Ride.

SHINee - Lucifer lyrics -translit-

Even if I try to avoid you, I can’t find a place to hide
I’m trapped by you, who I can’t even deny
If it was love, if you really loved me, don’t do this to me
Her whisper is the Lucifer
*If you tie me down and trap me
Then the love is also tied down
The future is also tied down
It can’t grow anymore
Freely empty yourself and look at me
I’ll fill you only, I’ll completely fill you only
Your undeniable spell is the Lucifer
Your undeniable magic is the Lucifer
When I approach you
With your angelic face
Say the reason you live is for me
Say it
When I first saw you, I stopped for a short time
As if someone was tightly seizing my heart, not letting it go (Still)
You took all, all, all, all, all, all of my heart just like that
You make my heart burn out when you’re not here
*If you tie me down and trap me
Then the love is also tied down
The future is also tied down
It can’t grow anymore
Freely empty yourself and look at me
I’ll fill you only, I’ll completely fill you only
Loverholic, robotronic, loverholic, robotronic
The love stories I shared with you
You look towards the same places I do
When we feel that we can’t get any more perfect
Only stare at me, you want me more, more, more, more, more, more
Only look at me, you’re the center of everything, thing, thing, thing, thing, thing
Since before, something has been wrong, you’ve been weird
The love I knew left my side, one by one
All I have is you
*If you tie me down and trap me
Then the love is also tied down
The future is also tied down
It can’t grow anymore
Freely empty yourself and look at me
I’ll fill you only, I’ll completely fill you only
I feel like I’ve become a clown trapped in a glass castle
I dance for you, who will never be satisfied
You look into me openly, touching my brain
I think I’ve become a fool
I think I’m only getting more and more attracted to you
Loverholic, robotronic, loverholic, robotronic
It’s not that I hate you or that I dislike you
It’s just that kind of stare is a burden is all
I’m not going anywhere
I’ve waited like this by only looking at you
Your stare captures me
As the days went by, it became sharper
I’m tired of your obsession
I’ve been cut a lot, my heart is bleeding
When it’s about time for me to pass out
She comes to me like an angel, saying “I love you”
Even though I knew it was really you
You really confused me
*If you tie me down and trap me
Then the love is also tied down
The future is also tied down
It can’t grow anymore
Freely empty yourself and look at me
I’ll fill you only, I’ll completely fill you only
I feel like I’ve become a clown trapped in a glass castle
Leave me alone, when I’m free, I’ll be able to truly love you
Leave me alone, don’t make me sick of you
So I can truly look at you
If you tie me down and trap me
Then love is also tied down
The future is also tied down
It can’t grow anymore
Loverholic, robotronic, loverholic, robotronic
Your undeniable spell is the Lucifer